How can I download skins for KaZaA Lite v2 ?

Just search for "kazaa skins" in Kazaa and you will find them.

Here are the sig2dats hashes for some skins:

Length:595738 Bytes,582KB

Length:559307 Bytes,546KB

Length:555894 Bytes,543KB

How does the Participation Level work?

Kazaa and Kazaa Lite version 2 have a Participation Level feature. If you have a high Participation Level, you will get priority over people with a lower Participation Level when you download files. This only applies if you download from someone that also uses v2. If you download from someone with an old version, there will be no difference in priority, but it will just be first come first serve.

You can increase your participation Level by sharing files. Whenever you upload files, your Participation Level will go up. When you download files it will go down.

The higher you Participation Level is, the more difficult it is to maintain that value. This means the ratio upload/download is higher.

Old versions automaticly get a Participation Level value of Low (0). This value cannot be changed.

Will I still be able to download when my Participation Level is very low or even 0 ?

Yes, you will still be able to download.

Is there some sort of trick to increase my Participation Level?

Yes. If you download from yourself the Participation Level will increase.

- Sharing must be enabled
- Upload bandwidth must be set at Unlimited
- Share one or more large files (and give them a rating in the My Kazaa screen)

Open this website (actually the contents of your shared files) in your browser:

Download a file from yourself and watch your Participation Level increase :-)

On the download page you can find a small tool that can do this for you.

How can I remove my search history in KaZaA Lite v2 ?

Click on the 'triangle' next to the field where you type your searches.
A list will pop up containing your search history. On the top of this list you will see 'purge searches'. Select that to clean your search history.

I want to download a file from a friend of mine, but I can't seem to find it.

When you are connected to the network that is used by KaZaA, you are connected to only one (or maybe a few?) Supernodes. When you do a search, it will only search through the list of files from the people that are connected to the same Supernode(s).
There are however many Supernodes (thousands?) all over the world. So the chance you and your friend are connected to the same piece of the network is very small.

If you want to exchange files, there are much better ways. Most Instant Message Programs (MSN,ICQ,etc.) have to ability to send/receive files. Another good way is IRC, but that requires some more computer experience.

Is it possible to add users to a list of favourites?

No, that is not possible. The main reason for this is that usernames on KaZaA are not unique. That means that there might be several people with the same username online. Using a Username and IP address combination also does not work, because most users have a dynamic IP, which means it changes everytime you reboot (cable/dsl) or everytime you dial-in.
It is also not possible to change the system, so that usernames must be unique. The reason for this is that it would require a centralised login server to authenticate users. A centralised part of the network would make the network controlable, and it thus can be shut down. This would eventually mean that the network will be forced to shut down by court.

Is it possible to search for a specific user?

No, thats not possible. The reason why is explained in the question above this one.